Picture Perfect

rule of thirds

Rule of Thirds

For our video production classes we have begun to look at how to create the perfect photo. I have learned about the rule of thirds where you have to split the frame into a grid and place certain elements on certain lines of the grid. I also learned about filling the frame and also having a focal point. Filling the frame means that the object that you are taking the picture of is the main focal point and that it is the only thing in the picture. Today we walked to the bridge in town and took photos of things that we thought were interesting or created a good photo. I took a few photos of flowers and also of the view of the town from the bridge. It gave me a good insight into how to create a good and interesting photo. I enjoyed it as well as my mum is good at photography and so I have always had an interest in it.

fill the frame

fill the frame

Gaisce awards

gaisce bronze gaisceOn 4th November, Ms Conroy talked to us about the Gaisce awards and what we had to do to get involved in the awards. There are four aspects to the award; community care, learning a skill, doing a sports activity and having two days and one night away from home doing 25 kilometres of walking and 100 kilometres of cycling. There are three options; the bronze, silver and gold awards. The bronze award requires 26 weeks of doing the skills with thirteen weeks of each activity and a further 13 weeks of your favourite activity. I want to do the awards as it sounds like good fun and it will be good to add to my CV.

TY Yearbooks

yearbookyearbook lion imageFor our enterprise project, we have to create a mini company. Me, Caroline and Róisín have decided to do TY yearbooks. We have sent around a survey asking people if they would buy a yearbook, how much they would pay for it and what they would like to see in the yearbook. Nearly all the surveys said that they would buy a yearbook. We also got lots of suggestions for photos, quotes and award pages. We are hoping to put a celebrity look-a-like page, baby photo page and awards pages in the yearbook. We are also talking about the design of the cover and have been asking around for quotes on how much the yearbook will cost to make. It is good fun deciding what we will put in it and also looking at ideas for the yearbook as well as looking at what sort of layout we would like the book to be.