Road Safety Talk

think road safetyOn Thursday, 14th January, we had a talk about road safety. Micháel, the speaker, showed us how to put our seat belt on properly; Over the shoulder and across the chest, and that the driver of the car should be around 11 inches from the steering wheel. He also told us that the head support has to be level with your head so that you will not break your neck if the car crashes. He gave us a synopsis of the first second of a car crashing into a solid wall at 55mph. It showed that if you do not wear your seat belt, ankles will break and you will be thrown around at 55mph. He also gave us case studys of people who had been involved in crashes. There was one person, Sean, who had been driving three friends to the same college for two years. Sean drove them home one evening after they had been to a party and he had drank at it. He crashed the car and was left paralysed yet only one of his friends visited him. Micháel, who knew Sean told us that the only person in charge of our fate was ourselves and that if you do not trust someone to drive you home or if you know that they have been drinking, do not get into the car with them. This was a good talk as he gave us lots of examples of accidents and driving safely as well as the ways to minimise damage to yourselves or others in an accident.

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