Enterprise Project: Yearbook

For our Enterprise project, me, Róisín, Eva and Caroline are doing a TY yearbook. We first had to get various quotes and then decide which quote was the best. After that we sent around a survey to the year asking how much they would pay for a yearbook; €10 or €15. The answers that we got showed that most people would buy the yearbook and that €10 was an acceptable price. We then prepared and sent out a survey asking people to answer questions on the awards for the year: who was most likely to and who won the award for. After that, we began with the design of the yearbook, designing the inside of the yearbook and getting a few designs together of what the cover should be. We began taking photos of everybody in the year and putting them into the yearbook in their classes. After that we put in the winners of the yearbook awards. I made a page of all the photos of Grease whilst Caroline did a page on the sports that everyone did in the year. Róisín began putting in pictures about Delphi and Eva thought up ideas for the cover. We started doing short write ups on each of the activities that we had done and choosing two people from each class to do a small write up on what the year was like for them. We also began asking people to do write ups on the various sports that have been done throughout the year. yearbook

Enterprise Project

yearbookDue to the musical, we have not really done much of our yearbook project for Enterprise, so over the past couple of weeks my group of Roisin, Caroline, Eva and me have been working to get the first few pages of the yearbook done. We have asked a few companies for quotes and have a couple of options of where to go to get them published. We have also been deciding on the cover design as well as the content of the book. We have been thinking over who in our year could receive awards or be “most likely to” become something when they are older. Thinking up awards relevant to our year is fun but at times difficult to think of something that won’t offend or upset someone. On Monday, 7th December we began taking head shots of people for the yearbook. It was fun getting all the photos for under their names but also the fun ones that will end up in the year book. We still have a lot to do in the yearbook but it feels good knowing that we have ticked something off the list of things to do.

TY Yearbooks

yearbookyearbook lion imageFor our enterprise project, we have to create a mini company. Me, Caroline and Róisín have decided to do TY yearbooks. We have sent around a survey asking people if they would buy a yearbook, how much they would pay for it and what they would like to see in the yearbook. Nearly all the surveys said that they would buy a yearbook. We also got lots of suggestions for photos, quotes and award pages. We are hoping to put a celebrity look-a-like page, baby photo page and awards pages in the yearbook. We are also talking about the design of the cover and have been asking around for quotes on how much the yearbook will cost to make. It is good fun deciding what we will put in it and also looking at ideas for the yearbook as well as looking at what sort of layout we would like the book to be.