Maths Work: Algebra and Equations

maths relay



mathsOver the past year in our maths, we have been studying leaving certificate ordinary and higher level maths. It was a bit challenging at times as some of the equations and expressions were more difficult than Junior Certificate but at times it was interesting to see the similarities. For the last few weeks, we have been been studying factorising algebraic equations. We have been doing sums like x to the power of 4 – y to the power of 4. We then had to factorise equations like this putting like terms together.  The algebraic expressions were all similar to things that we had been doing in higher level junior certificate. Mr Conlon went through all the expressions that we hadn’t done before and explained why you had to do certain processes. I found the algebraic expressions the easiest for this year as it was the nearest that we had done to Junior Cert.

3rd Year Maths Relay

maths relayOn Friday 23rd October, we had to help organise and set up a maths relay for the third years. My class helped Mr Conlon to set up the Mercy hall for the relay, organising the students into fair groups and taking the equipment needed up to the hall. When all the equipment was in the hall, we had to split the markers, rubbers and whiteboards into groups and make sure that all the question cards were in the correct group.  During the relay, I had to go and tell Bronagh when someone had reached the next question so that she could record it on the board. After the relay, we all cleaned the hall and made sure all the equipment was brought back to us as well as sort out all the question cards back into their correct piles. I think the relay was a success as everyone seemed to get involved and tried their hardest to work out the questions.