Personal Development: Scrapbooks


For our Personal Development Project, we have been making Scrapbooks of our year in TY and what we have done. We have had to write pieces on mindfulness and social development as well as self awareness. We were also asked to write a personal profile where we filled in pieces about ourselves. We did pieces about younger me where we had to write about ourselves when we were younger and maybe add a few photos. We also had to write about our goals for the year and what the new year would bring to us. The scrapbook was a nice thing to do and also meant that we got to design our own cover which was nice.


scrapbookFor our Personal Development project, we have begun to create a scrapbook for our Ty evening. The scrapbook is meant to include a portfolio about ourselves and we have to talk about our likes and dislikes as well as about our family. There is also a section about what we hope to be in the future and a section on mental health. We have begun decorating the cover of our scrapbook with things that mean something to us. Some of us are using wrapping paper but most are drawing images that represent us. I am drawing a book, musical notes, paintbrushes and paint and other images that I think reflect me and my tastes. The scrapbooks are nice to make and they will create a nice momento of our TY year as it something that we can keep and look back at.